

Late October

Here we are in late October. Having had 10 days off in mid-Sept/early Oct,I returned in time for our table top sale,where we sell off excess tinned food, jams, pasta,etc.,as well as bric-a brac, books, and cd's. Apart from having to improvise how things were laid out because one of our trestle tables turned out to be broken,it went fine- it raised around £130.Yesterday we had a music/drama workshop with Sharon from Streetwise Opera. 3 members took part, and although 1 left early felling poorly, another member who had come down from computer room for a tea break joined in. We did some warm ups Qi Gong style, then tried to portray an emotion as if we were on TV or the theatre stage,-TV style being smaller/more subtle whereas for the stage/opera you need to be more "larger than life". We ended up singing "Walk on By" and "Miss Otis Regrets",which the members sang while enacting differing degrees of subserviance as if they were a butler talking to the "Lady of the house"! I accompanied them on guitar. The Art exhibit is coming up on November 4th from 2-6. Today had been busy with members and staff preparing for it with Innes. Let's have some feed back guys!!

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