

May 2007

A fair bit to catch up on-firstly, the Sponsored walk.It was a lovely day and 83 people took part. The boat,kindly donated by Salters' Steamers, had to return from Abingdon at 2:30 which meant that the last people to arrive had to get straight on. The rest ate up the remaining sandwiches and rested in the sun or had lunch at a pub, so there wasn't enough time/people to play rounders or football.Anyrate, it was an excellent day and at the last count we've raised £3400+,which should end up being £3800 when all the monies are in.
More recently we had an outing to the Hellfire Caves in West Wycombe.7 members came along and, as I was able to blag a slight discount,we all had an ice cream while admiring the views from the church area on top of the hill.The caves themselves were cooler than outside and had audio commentary throughout.Some of the caverooms had mannequins in period costume including one which had a "party" scene,which included a monkey dressed demonically-apparently this had happened as a joke to put a scare into Lord Sandwich, but he took it badly and the incident led to the ending of the Hellfire Club.
Lastly, we recently restarted the work placement scheme with Streetwise Opera/O.C.M. where members helped setting up venues for concerts and stewarding at them.All who have taken part seem to very much enjoy doing them,'tho a couple people have missed out do to unforseen circumstances. Let's hope the last upcoming gigs have the full compliment! I'm hoping to get some photos posted here and am still awaiting any comment/feedback,which is only moderated because I discovered an unsuitable link/spam had been posted.Cheerio:)


Test Test Test
The clock is one hour slow???

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